Pod Leader: Rowan Martindale
Pod Leader Email: martindale@jsg.utexas.edu
The University of Texas at Austin
Pod deliverables will be posted below after they become available at the end of each session.
Session 1: Racism and Definitions
Session 2: Racism and History
Session 3: Racism and Individuals
Session 4: Racism and Justice
Session 5: Racism and Accessibility
Session 6: Racism and Inclusivity
Session 7: Racism and Self Care
Session 8: Racism and Accountability
Pod Members
- Martindale, Rowan
- Hassenruck-Gudipati
- Goudge, Tim
- Poteet, Mary
- Johnson, Joel
- Scanlan, Kirk
- Standing, Patty
- Jones, Katherine
- Bamber, Emily
- Trugman, Daniel
- Lowery, Chris
- Ramos, Evan
- Christeson, Gail
- Tremaine, Darrel
- McCall, Naoma
- Guryan, Grace
- Grima, Antoniette Greta
- Kemp, Melissa
- Jackson, Charles
- Flansburg, Megan
- Hovorka, Susan
- Soderland, Krista
- Edginton, Anthony
- Turner, Leah
- Tune, Alison
- Sekhon, Natasha
- Davis, Sarah
- Wilson, Kat
- Boucher, Natasha
- Tabasssum, Sabiha
- Yan, Shuai
- Meszaros, Nick
- Floris, Daniel
- Shuck, Brandon
- Cardenas, Bayani
- Sinha, Sinjini
- Hinshaw, Emily
- Piatrunia, Natasha
- Nelson, Mariel
- Gale, Julia
- Dong, Tian
- Banner, Jay
- Mohrig, David
- Kerans, Charlie
- Turetcaia, Anna
- Snook, Michael
- Gunn, Heather
- Sen, Mrinal
- Papendieck, Adam
- Niyogi, Dev
- Loewy, Staci
- Sickmann, Zach
- Fouke, Kyle
- Poulaki, Eiini
- Persad, Geeta
- Redensek, Veronika
- Balderas Montano, Esly
- Gase, Andrew
- Capello, Maria Angela
- Williams, Claire
- Salgado, Estfania
- Hostettler, Eve
- Malone, Joshua
- Reyes, Will
- Campos, Daniel
- Okumura, Yuko
- Olariu, Cornel
- Schmidt, Cat
- Javadpour, Farzam
- Stucky de Quay, Gaia
- Brooks, Donnie
- Conrad, Ethan
- Ross, Catherine
- Christian, John
- Stockli, Danny
- Matheny, Ashley
- Rempe, Daniella
- Childress, Tristan
- Ketcham, Richard
- Kortyna, Cullen
- Ko, Lucy Tingwei
- Rife, Kim
- Victor, Marie
- Martone, Tricia
- Young, Michael
- Hsia, Scarlette
- Tinker, Scott
- Kipper, Jay
- Wisian, Kenneth
- Shuster, Mark
- Guiterrez, Gabriella
- Schmidt, Maria
Pod Agreeement and Photo
- This pod has signed an agreement between pod members and the institutional leaderships (e.g., departmental chair and dean).
- A pod photo (screenshot of zoom meeting) will be submitted and on the website by the end of session two.