New Team Members

- URGE welcomes Rochelle McFee, Pooja Balaji, Martin Silva, and Keiara Auzenne. Together they will work with Vashan Wright and Carlene Burton in facilitating the Refinement activities.
- Stephanie Madsen will continue helping the Refinement Team as the liaison between URGE and Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution.
- Kasey Aderhold and Gabriel Duran are focussing on writing one or more manuscripts related to the URGE Curriculum used in the Development Stage.
Summer 2022
We are asking pods to share the contact information for workplace leaders who influence decision-making and support pod initiatives. These could be the leaders who signed your Pod Agreement. Examples of workplace leaders include academic department chairs, deans, supervisors, section managers, presidents, diversity officers, etc. Please request permission from each leader before including their names and emails in the forms. Please let the leaders know to expect an email from URGE inviting them to attend a 1-hour live Zoom session with other workplace leaders. The URGE team will liaise with these leaders to help receive buy-in on behalf of URGE pods.
URGE will email and invite leaders to attend a live Zoom session. During these sessions, leaders will:
- Discuss and identify strategies that create active and effective anti-racist collaborations among groups of individuals at various professional levels
- Discuss with DEI experts on advocating for compensation, recognition, or to be released from other service duties due to URGE commitment
- Receive additional research-based resources that support the goals of the sessions
URGE Manuscript Focused on Elevating Voices of Geoscientists of Color
Members of the URGE team submitted a manuscript entitled, "Strategies for and Barriers to Collaboratively Developing Anti-racist Policies and Resources as Described by Geoscientists of Color Participating in the Unlearning Racism in Geoscience (URGE) Program" for publication. The manuscript is an analysis of data from five discussion groups and two surveys. The analyses revealed that participating GoC want to continue working with White colleagues on anti-racist work. GoC want White colleagues not to shy away from doing anti-racist work.
Read a preprint of the manuscript here.

The development offices at Scripps Institution of Oceanography at the University of California San Diego and the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution raised $250,000 to support the anti-racism efforts of the URGE program over two years.
Fall and Winter
After the Leaders Session, URGE will:
- Provide additional training on how to discuss anti-racism, including how to create and adhere to a behavioral code of conduct
- Provide additional resources for pods to improve their anti-racist policies and resources
- Provide more ways to connect, possibly via SLACK and online Forums
- Host monthly Zoom sessions for URGE participants from various pods to share progress and learn from each other
URGE will continue to inform the scientific community publicly of its findings, progress, and plans. We will be attending and participating in conferences and will continue to publish results in scholarly articles.
URGE is supported by the National Science Foundation under grants EAR-1714909 and EAR-2126109, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, and Scripps Institution of Oceanography at UC San Diego. The opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed on this website are those of the URGE leadership team and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, or Scripps Institution of Oceanography.