Pod Leader: Matthew Clapham
Pod Leader Email: mclapham@ucsc.edu
UC Santa Cruz
Pod deliverables will be posted below after they become available at the end of each session.
Session 1: Racism and Definitions
Session 2: Racism and History
Session 3: Racism and Individuals
Session 4: Racism and Justice
Session 5: Racism and Accessibility
Session 6: Racism and Inclusivity
Session 7: Racism and Self Care
Session 8: Racism and Accountability
Pod Members
- Green, Ryan
- Downey, Brynna
- Fearon, Julia
- Holo, Jo
- Dhaliwal, Jasmeet
- Ricker, Adrienne
- Maxwell, Rachel
- Zimmer, Margaret
- Clapham, Matthew
- Cheresh, Julia
- Friedlaender, Ari
- Walsh, Elly
- Arroyo, Mar
- Pugsley, Eve
- Schartman, Anna
- Ianiri, Hope
- Lam, Phoebe
- Moore, Andrew
- Zhang, Yan
- Vokhshoori, Natasha
- Izett, Jonathan
- Ravelo, Christina
- Buelke, Anne
- Xiang, Yang
- Bowman, Kaitlin
- Lauback, Allison
- Caissie, Beth
- Taylor-Burns, Rae
- Taylor, Niky
Pod Agreeement and Photo
- This pod has signed an agreement between pod members and the institutional leaderships (e.g., departmental chair and dean).
- A pod photo (screenshot of zoom meeting) will be submitted and on the website by the end of session two.