BIPOC Intro Video
Provide a space for participants to share and support each other with mental and emotional self care tips when working in BeAJEDI initiatives like URGE.
Create opportunities for BIPOC geoscientists to network and meet other BIPOC geoscientists who are working in DEI and URGE.
Receive opinions and critiques of URGE deliverables and what are some “Dos and Don’ts” that pods should be aware of in the refinement of their deliverables. As well as feedback on general URGE programming.
Sessions Calendar
Listening Session Information
Community Resources
Bacon ipsum dolor amet prosciutto ground round ribeye, hamburger shank pork leberkas kielbasa. Chicken spare ribs beef ribs, kevin sausage tail jowl pig sirloin strip steak corned beef landjaeger rump. Jerky frankfurter ham hock sirloin short ribs ground round filet mignon pork. Landjaeger kielbasa porchetta tail fatback boudin shoulder chicken ribeye. Ground round frankfurter hamburger pork chop brisket venison drumstick prosciutto pastrami.
Fatback tongue venison, porchetta boudin leberkas short loin sausage pig landjaeger strip steak. Kevin porchetta tri-tip brisket, ball tip frankfurter picanha shank turducken spare ribs flank. Ground round tri-tip flank turducken pork belly salami meatloaf picanha turkey venison. Ham hock shank swine, pork belly andouille drumstick cupim bresaola tongue ham t-bone bacon capicola. Tongue short ribs short loin fatback filet mignon. Rump ground round ribeye venison boudin beef, pastrami biltong cupim andouille ball tip strip steak.